Technical Specification: Access Token
v1.0, 2025-02-10
- 1 Overview
- 2 Enabling and configuring JWT Access Token feature
- 3 Obtaining Access Tokens
- 4 Access Token details
- 5 Security operations for client applications
- 6 Security operations for resource servers
- Change history
1 Overview
This document is an addition to the core technical specification, specifying details about the optional JWT Access Token feature, based on RFC 9068.
By default, GovSSO returns an opaque (random string value) Access Token on every token endpoint request for all GovSSO client applications. The random string value is not usable in any meaningful way, but it cannot be omitted by GovSSO because of OpenID Connect Core requirements.
After enabling JWT Access Token feature for the specified client application registration, GovSSO will return Access Tokens in JWT format for that client application. JWT Access Token always contains the same authentication data (user details) as the JWT ID Token, but the Access Token has a different purpose and a different lifetime.
GovSSO client applications may transmit JWT Access Tokens to other services (resource servers in OAuth terms) which themselves don’t have to be GovSSO client applications. Those other services may provide end-user access to its resources/API-s based on the JWT Access Token that is transmitted to them with the request.
ID Tokens must be consumed only by the same GovSSO client application for which they are issued. ID Tokens must not be transmitted to other services. If the client application doesn’t need to transmit a JWT Access Token to other services, the JWT Access Token feature should not be enabled for that client application.
2 Enabling and configuring JWT Access Token feature
For a client application to be able to obtain JWT Access Tokens from GovSSO, the JWT Access Token feature must be explicitly enabled and configured for that client application registration on the GovSSO side. For a client application with a certain client_id
, provide RIA with the following configuration values (on the initial client application registration form or later via
Configuration parameter | example | explanation |
Audience URLs | "", "" |
URLs that are used as aud claim values in Access Tokens. These values must be agreed between the GovSSO client application and the resource servers that the client application transmits JWT Access Tokens to. Values may or may not be existing URLs on the Internet, may or may not be related to the client application or to other services. For GovSSO, these values are opaque - GovSSO does not use these values in any way. These values are only useful for agreements between the client application and the resource servers that the client application transmits JWT Access Tokens to. * Each value must conform to URL standard. * Registration must include at least one URL. * URL must use HTTPS protocol. * URL must not contain userinfo or fragment components. |
Access Token lifespan | 5m |
Access Token validity time period in minutes and/or seconds. Minimal allowed validity period is 1 second and maximum period 15 minutes. Access Token’s validity period is not connected with ID Token and Refresh Token validity periods which are 15 minutes by default and cannot be changed by the GovSSO client. Access Tokens cannot be revoked. If the user logs out of GovSSO, any issued Access Tokens will remain valid until their expiration. However, it should not be too short, to prevent frequent token requests and significant overhead. |
3 Obtaining Access Tokens
A client can obtain Access Tokens with general ID Token requests and subsequent session update requests. Access Token is always returned on /oauth2/token
If an Access Token is set to expire before the ID Token, but the client application needs a valid Access Token, make a session update request before the Access Token expires.
3.1 Requesting Access Token with specific audience
If the client application has registered more than 1 Access Token audience URL but wants to explicitly get an Access Token with a specific audience URL, then this can be done by adding audience={registered URL}
to the initial authentication request query. If the audience
parameter is omitted, then all pre-registered audience URLs are returned in the Access Token.
Example authentication request with specific audience URL
GET /oauth2/auth?
(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)
3.2 Access Token request
Example initial Access Token request
POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic Zm9vYmFyYmF6OkhYUkhIYzV1RzB2N2VROTNIcDJ2N0poME9jSVBKRVM=
(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)
Example Access Token request with session update
POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic Zm9vYmFyYmF6OkhYUkhIYzV1RzB2N2VROTNIcDJ2N0poME9jSVBKRVM=
(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)
3.3 Access Token response
Example Access Token response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ijk5NGQ4OWU3LTA1YzAtNGY5My1hNGFh
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 300,
"id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImNkZjQ2OGYwLWVlNGUtNGE3Yy1iMTQ1
"refresh_token": "1kYI7zBU_WEGoMCVxSraXLcuA906szL9hxC2qq7bgso.uq1VHIByywr0Q9fk-V9Jp1BmLLQihoqXctHHHY8b3bQ"
Other response parameters other than access_token
are returned exactly the same as described in core technical specification, but access_token contains a JWT value instead of an opaque (random string) value.
4 Access Token details
Example GovSSO Access Token
"jti": "7816a5ca-bafe-4fb1-80e8-4b5f6991bfbe",
"client_id": "sso-client-1",
"aud": [
"iss": "",
"exp": 1732030361,
"iat": 1732029460,
"sub": "EE30303039914"
"birthdate": "1903-03-03",
"given_name": "OK",
"family_name": "TESTNUMBER",
"amr": [
"acr": "high"
Access Token claims
Access Token element (claim) | example | explanation |
jti | "jti": "663a35d8-92ec-4a8d-95e7-fc6ca90ebda2" |
Access Token unique identifier ([JWT] “4.1.7. jti (JWT ID) Claim”). |
client_id | "client_id": "GovSSO client" |
Unique ID belonging to the client that requested authentication (the value of client_id field is specified in authentication request). |
aud | "aud": [ "", "" ] |
List of Access Token audience URLs. Compared to ID Token, Access Token aud claim does not hold GovSSO client_id value. Instead, the audience URLs are preregistered values (see explanation in 2.1 Configuration parameters. |
iss | "iss": "" |
Issuer Identifier, as specified in [OIDC-CORE]. |
exp | "exp": 1591709871 |
The expiration time of the Access Token (in Unix epoch format). |
iat | "iat": 1591709811 |
The time of issuance of the Access Token (in Unix epoch format). |
sub | "sub": "EE60001018800" |
The identifier of the authenticated user (personal identification code or eIDAS identifier) with the prefix of the country code of the citizen (country codes based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard). NB! in case of eIDAS authentication the maximum length is 256 characters. |
birthdate | "birthdate": "2000-01-01" |
The date of birth of the authenticated user in the ISO_8601 format. Only sent in the case of persons with Estonian personal identification code and in the case of eIDAS authentication. |
given_name | "given_name": "MARY ÄNN" |
The first name of the authenticated user. |
family_name | "family_name": "O’CONNEŽ-ŠUSLIK TESTNUMBER" |
The surname of the authenticated user. |
amr | "amr": [ "mID" ] |
Authentication method reference. The authentication method used for user authentication. A single amr value is present in Access Token. Possible values:idcard - Estonian ID cardmID - Mobile-IDsmartid - Smart-IDeIDAS - European cross-border authentication |
acr | "acr": "high" |
Authentication Context Class Reference. Signals the level of assurance of the authentication method that was used. Possible values: low , substantial , high . The element is not used if the level of assurance is not applicable or is unknown. |
Compared to ID Token claims:
- Access Token has different
value may be different depending on configuration (see chapter 2);iat
value should be same or near value depending on request timing; - Access Token has additional
claim, that doesn’t exist in ID Token; - Access Token doesn’t have
claims, that exist in ID Token; - Access Token always has identical values for
claims as the ID Token that is returned with the same/oauth2/token
response; - Access Token also has identical values for
claims if these claims exist in the ID Token;
Phone number claims
If authentication request is performed with phone
scope (e.g. scope=openid%20phone
) and user’s phone number is known (currently only when user has authenticated with Mobile-ID), then GovSSO will issue Access Tokens with the following additional claims.
Access Token element (claim) | example | explanation |
phone_number | "phone_number": "+37200000766" |
User’s phone number in E.164 format. |
phone_number_verified | "phone_number_verified": true |
Always true , because user’s phone number was verified during Mobile-ID authentication. |
If authentication request is not performed with phone
scope or user’s phone number is not known, these claims are not included in GovSSO Access Token.
Additionally, Access Token can also hold claims related to the optional representee functionality.
Compared to Access Tokens, ID Tokens may hold other OpenID Connect protocol based claims not supported by GovSSO.
5 Security operations for client applications
If the client application performed the initial authentication request with a specific audience
, then the client application must validate that the aud
claim value in the Access Token corresponds to the requested audience
If the client application performed the initial authentication request without specific audience
value, then the validation can be omitted.
6 Security operations for resource servers
Similar to ID Token security checks, a resource server receiving an Access Token must perform similar verifications.
The resource server must conduct the following Access Token verifications:
- Verify signature;
- Verify issuer;
- Verify client ID;
- Verify that the token’s audience holds a matching value to the resource server;
- Verify that the token is current;
- Verify the eIDAS level of assurance (
) if lower thanhigh
level of assurance is not acceptable;
These validations are the same as in RFC 9068 standard except for typ
header validation which GovSSO does not support and with the inclusion of client_id
6.1 Signature verification
This verification is identical to ID Token’s signature verification.
The GovSSO authentication service signs Access Tokens. The signature meets the JWT standard (JWT). GovSSO may use a different key for signing Access Tokens than signing ID Tokens and Logout Tokens.
The signature uses the RS256
algorithm. The resource server must be able to verify the signature using this algorithm. It would be reasonable to use a standard JWT library which supports all JWT algorithms. Change of signing algorithm is considered unlikely, but possible for security considerations.
GovSSO public signature key must be used for the signature verification. The public signature key is published at the public key info endpoint (see chapter 8 Endpoints in GovSSO technical specification).
When performing requests to the GovSSO key info endpoint, TLS connection must be verified in the same way as described in Technical specification.
The public signature key remains stable under normal conditions. However, it may be changed without prior notice if required for security considerations. Key exchange is carried out based on OIDC-CORE standard.
The public signature key has an identifier (kid
). The key identifier is aligned with the best practices of OIDC-CORE and OAuth 2.0 (OAUTH) that enables the key exchange without service interruption.
We recommend buffering the GovSSO public key (together with kid
value) in order to decrease the amount of requests made to GovSSO server.
The resource server must perform the following signature validation steps:
- Read the
value from Access Token header. - a. If the client application does not buffer the public key, make a request to GovSSO public key info endpoint and select key corresponding to
value received from JWT header.
b. If client application buffers the public key (it needs to be buffered together withkid
value), it must compare thekid
value from Access Token header with bufferedkid
value. If they match, buffered key can be used. If not, then client application needs to make a request to public key info endpoint and select the key corresponding tokid
value received from Access Token header and buffer it. - Validate the signature using the key corresponding to
value from the Access Token header.
NB! “Hard coding” the key to client application configuration must be avoided. The key change will be typically communicated (except of urgent security reasons), but manual key handling will result downtime in client application for the period when GovSSO is already using the new key until the new key is taken use in client application.
6.2 Token issuer verification
This verification is identical to ID Token’s issuer verification.
The iss
value of the Access Token element must be
(for GovSSO demo environment) or
(for GovSSO production environment).
6.3 Client ID verification
The client_id
in the Access Token must match the registered client ID of the GovSSO client application that is forwarding the access tokens.
6.4 Audience verification
The aud
claim in the Access Token must contain the resource server’s identifier.
6.5 Currentness verification
This verification is identical to ID Token’s validity verification.
The verification is done using iat
and exp
elements in the Access Token. The client application uses its own clock to verify the validity. The following details should be verified:
- that token issuing time has been reached:
<= (current time + permitted difference between clocks)
- that the “expired” time has not been reached:
> (current time - permitted difference between clocks)
The resource server must choose the permitted difference between clock values.
6.6 eIDAS level of assurance (LoA) verification
This verification is identical to ID Token’s LoA verification.
Estonian authentication methods (ID-card, Mobile-ID, Smart-ID) have been defined currently as high
However, foreigners authenticating to Estonian services through eIDAS might authenticate by methods with any LoA (high
, substantial
or low
). The resource server must verify the acr
claim if it wishes to exclude authentication methods with lower LoAs (substantial
or low
Change history
Version, Date | Description |
1.0, 2025-02-10 | First version |
Information System Authority · 2022-2024 ·