European Union European Regional Development Fund

Technical Specification: Representee Feature

v1.0, 2025-02-13

1 Overview

This document is an addition to the core technical specification, specifying details about the optional representee feature.

Central authorisations management information system Pääsuke can provide client applications data about representation rights. An application can register as a client of Pääsuke service. In that case, that application can directly query representation rights (legal representation rights loaded from the Estonian e-Business Register and authorisations created from the Pääsuke user interface in by calling Pääsuke X-Road services.

GovSSO offers brokering representation rights data from Pääsuke to its client application. That way, the GovSSO client application does not have to query Pääsuke X-Road services but can get representation rights data from GovSSO (that internally performs queries to Pääsuke X-Road services getDelegateRepresentees and getRepresenteeDelegateMandates). GovSSO does not display representation rights data to the end-user on the GovSSO page.

2 Enabling and configuring the GovSSO representee feature

For a client application to obtain representation rights via GovSSO, the representee feature must be explicitly enabled and configured for that client application on the GovSSO side.

  1. Prerequisite: the client application must register as a client of Pääsuke service see registration form. GovSSO can broker representation rights only if the client has a contract with Pääsuke service.
  2. For a GovSSO client application with a certain client_id, provide RIA with the following configuration values (on the initial client application registration form or later via
Configuration parameter example explanation
Parameters for Pääsuke request ns=BR_REPRIGHT&role=AGENCY-Q:Edit.submit URL query parameters that GovSSO transmits to Pääsuke service for all representation rights requests. Must be in the format described in Pääsuke’s technical documentation chapter X-Road services offered by Pääsuke. Client application must specify the same URL query parameters here that it would use if it would perform requests to Pääsuke’s X-Road services directly. URL query parameters must limit the queriable representation rights by a list of namespaces and/or roles or other criteria that Pääsuke supports. As of Pääsuke specification 0.5.3, at least one ns and/or role parameter must be included, representeeType is optional.

3 Requesting representation rights

GovSSO client application can request representation rights by adding representee.* and/or representee_list to the initial authentication request scope values.

3.1 Authentication request with representation scopes

A client application cannot request representation information later during the user’s session if it didn’t request representation scopes in the initial authentication request.

Example authentication request with representation scopes

GET /oauth2/auth?

(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)

3.2 Session update requests with representation data

By default, representation data will not be carried over to subsequent ID Tokens. If needed, the client application should request representation data with the following session update requests.

3.2.1 Session update requests with representee_list scope

To get a new up-to-date representee_list, the client application needs to add scope to the session update request.

Example GovSSO session update request with representee_list scope

POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)

3.2.2 Session update request with representee.* scope

The client application must add representee.{subject} scope to the session update request to get detailed representation information for a specific representee.

The {subject} value must be the ID code of a natural person or the registry code of a legal person, prefixed by the country code of the person’s origin.

The client application can only request detailed representation information about representees listed in the representee_list. Only information about one representee can be requested at once.

Example GovSSO session update request with representee.* scope

POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)

4 Receiving representation data

All information regarding representation will be provided to the client application in the ID Token in addition to the default GovSSO claims.

If the GovSSO client application has also enabled the optional Access Token configuration, then representee.* scope specific claims will be present in the Access Token as well. Note that Access Token does not hold representee_list claims.

The representee claim is omitted from ID Tokens and Access Tokens if the authenticated user represents oneself.

4.1 representee_list claims

If representee_list scope was requested with the initial authentication request or subsequent session update requests, the ID Token will hold additional information regarding users representations.

Example representee_list claims in an ID Token

"representee_list": {
    "list": [
        "sub": "EE12345678",
        "type": "LEGAL_PERSON",      
        "name": "AS Legal Person"
        "sub": "EE12345678901",
        "type": "NATURAL_PERSON"
        "given_name": "Max"
        "family_name": "Stonewood"
ID Token element (claim) example explanation
representee_list.status REPRESENTEE_LIST_CURRENT or SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE REPRESENTEE_LIST_CURRENT when the request from GovSSO to Pääsuke succeeded, therefore the nested list claim contains the currently valid list of representations for the currently authenticated user. The nested list claim is an empty array when the currently authenticated user has no representations. The list of representations for the currently authenticated user is filtered on the Pääsuke service’s side by the namespaces, roles, or other criteria configured with “Parameters for Pääsuke request” in chapter 2.
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE when the request from GovSSO to Pääsuke failed (temporary problem); therefore, the nested list claim is omitted.
representee_list.list.sub EE12345678901 The ID code of a natural person or the registry code of a legal person. Prefixed by the country code of the person’s origin.
representee_list.list.type NATURAL_PERSON or LEGAL_PERSON Type of the representee (person the user has a right to represent). AS Legal Person Legal person’s official name.
representee_list.list.given_name Max Natural person’s given name.
representee_list.list.family_name Stonewood Natural person’s family name.

4.2 representee.{subject} claims

If representee.{subject} scope was requested with session update requests, the ID Token will hold additional information regarding users specific representation.

Example representee.{subject} claims for a natural person in an ID Token

"representee": {
    "sub": "EE12345678901",
    "type": "NATURAL_PERSON",       
    "given_name": "Max",
    "family_name": "Stonewood",
    "mandates": [
        "role": "AGENCY-Q:Submit"
        "role": "AGENCY-Q:Edit"

Example representee.{subject} claims for a legal person in an ID Token

"representee": {
    "sub": "EE12345678",
    "type": "LEGAL_PERSON",
    "name": "AS Legal Person",    
    "mandates": [
        "role": "BR_REPRIGHT:ROLE_IN_BOARD"
        "role": "AGENCY-Q:Edit"
ID Token and Access Token element (claim) example explanation
representee.status REQUESTED_REPRESENTEE_CURRENT, REQUESTED_REPRESENTEE_NOT_ALLOWED or SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE REQUESTED_REPRESENTEE_CURRENT when the request from GovSSO to Pääsuke succeeded and currently authenticated user is allowed to represent the requested representee, therefore other nested claims contain details about the requested representee.
REQUESTED_REPRESENTEE_NOT_ALLOWED when the request from GovSSO to Pääsuke succeeded and currently authenticated user is not allowed to represent the requested representee, therefore other nested claims are omitted. Available representees for the currently authenticated user are filtered on Pääsuke service’s side by the namespaces, roles, or other criteria configured with “Parameters for Pääsuke request” in chapter 2.
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE when the request from GovSSO to Pääsuke failed (temporary problem), therefore other nested claims are omitted.
representee.sub EE12345678901 The ID code of a natural person or the registry code of a legal person. Prefixed by the country code of the person’s origin.
representee.type NATURAL_PERSON or LEGAL_PERSON Type of the representee. AS Legal Person Legal person’s official name.
representee.given_name Max Natural person’s given name.
representee.family_name Stonewood Natural person’s family name.
representee.mandates.role "role": "BR_REPRIGHT:ROLE_IN_BOARD" Role codes of authorisations and legal representation rights that the currently authenticated user has been granted to represent that representee. For each representee returned by GovSSO, there exists at least one role.

5 Logout request

If the last valid ID Token, i.e., the id_token_hint value included in the logout request, contains a representee_list claim, then the user’s browser must be directed to the GovSSO logout endpoint with a POST request (using Form Serialization method) because the id_token_hint value may be longer than what the browser would support in a GET request. For the GovSSO logout endpoint, a POST request can always be used, even when the id_token_hint does not contain a representee_list claim. At the GovSSO logout endpoint, a GET request may only be used if the id_token_hint does not contain a representee_list claim.

6 Environments

GovSSO demo and production environments are integrated with Pääsuke over following X-road environments:

GovSSO environment Pääsuke X-road environment
Demo Stage - ee-test/GOV/70006317/volitused/oraakel-stage
Production Production - EE/GOV/70006317/volitused/oraakel

Change history

Version, Date Description
1.0, 2025-02-13 Initial version

Information System Authority · 2022-2024 ·