This document is retained for archival purposes. Up-to-date technical specification is here.

Archived, Proof of Concept: Technical Specification

European Union European Regional Development Fund


This document describes the technical characteristics of the GOVSSO service protocol and includes advice for implementing client application interfaces. GOVSSO protocol was designed following the best practices of OpenID Connect protocol and is heavily influenced of the current TARA service protocol (References: TARA). As a result, a large part of this document is identical to TARA service technical specification.

GOVSSO service will provide the same authentication means and similar flow as provided by TARA service. The actual authentication of users is still done in TARA service. GOVSSO will add an authentication session management functionality on top of the existing service. For the client application perspective GOVSSO will be a separate OIDC provider next to the existing TARA service.

The terminology in this document follows the terminology used in TARA technical specification (References: TARA).

OpenID Connect compliance

GOVSSO protocol has been designed to follow the OpenID Connect protocol standard as closely as possible. The intent is to create a protocol that is compatible with a wide range of OpenID Foundation certified OIDC client applications and standard libraries. OIDC is by itself a very diverse protocol, providing multiple different workflows for a wide array of use-cases. To limit the scope of the development required to implement GOVSSO service and client applications, the full scope of OIDC protocol will not be supported. This chapter describes the main customizations that are done to GOVSSO as compared to the full OIDC protocol:

SSO session

GOVSSO will create an SSO session for each successful user authentication and stores it in its internal session storage. The SSO session is used to store user personal information and various parameters about the authentication request (for example authentication time, authentication level of assurance, authentication method used). The authentication information and parameters are not allowed to change during the authentication session.

The SSO session is linked to the user agent via a session cookie. The user is allowed to create a single SSO session per user agent but may create concurrent sessions across multiple user agents.

SSO session has a limited validity period of 15 minutes. During the SSO session validity period the user is not required to re-authenticate themselves while logging into different client applications. Instead they are given the option of using the authentication information stored in SSO session. GOVSSO issues identity tokens as proof of an active SSO session. The identity token contains the user personal information as well as the session information. All issued identity tokens are linked to an SSO session via a session id (sid) claim and have the same validity period as the SSO session.

The SSO session validity period is extended every time a new client application authentication request is received, or an existing authenticated client application performs an SSO session update request. Every time an SSO session update request occurs, the session validity period is updated to currentTime + 15 minutes. This means that all client applications are contributing to keep the SSO session valid for the duration the user is still using the client applications.

SSO session expires when no new authentication requests or session update requests have been received in the last 15 minutes. This is a safety feature assuring that user SSO session is not kept alive too long after the user has finished using the client applications.

The SSO session may also be terminated before the end of its expiry time by the user. When the user initiates a logout from one client application the client application must inform GOVSSO of the logout event. The user is then given an option to terminate the SSO session and log out of all client applications related to the same SSO session.

GOVSSO process flows

Authentication process

In order to log a user into a client application, the client application must acquire an identity token from GOVSSO. The identity token will contain relevant user personal information as well as information of the SSO session. If the SSO session does not exist prior to the authentication request, a new session is created. If the session already exists but its level of assurance is lower than requested in the new request, then the previous SSO session will be terminated and a new SSO session will be created.

  1. User requests protected page from client application.
  2. Client application checks whether the user has logged into the client application.
  3. Since the user is not authenticated in the client application, the client application will construct a GOVSSO authentication request URL and redirects user agent to it.
  4. GOVSSO checks whether there is a valid SSO session for given user agent.
    1. If SSO session exists and its level of assurance is equal or higher than requested the process will continue from step 8.
    2. Otherwise GOVSSO will automatically terminate the existing session and the process continues from step 5.
  5. SSO session does not exist, therefore, GOVSSO needs the user to be authenticated with TARA service. GOVSSO constructs a valid TARA authentication request and redirects user agent to it.
  6. User is securely authenticated in TARA service. The detailed authentication process is described in TARA technical specification (References: TARA). Once the user has been authenticated TARA will redirect the user agent back to GOVSSO with the TARA authorization code.
  7. GOVSSO uses the authorization code to acquire a user identity token from TARA service. This request happens in GOVSSO backend system. GOVSSO will store the user identification information in its session storage.
  8. GOVSSO will optionally display a user consent form. This form is displayed only when a previous SSO session was used for authentication. Meaning that in step 4a a valid existing session was found.
  9. GOVSSO will construct its own authorization code and redirects the user agent back to client application URL.
  10. The client application will use the authorization code to acquire a GOVSSO identity token. This is done in client application backend by sending an identity token request to GOVSSO.
  11. GOVSSO will respond to the client application with a GOVSSO identity token. GOVSSO will also internally update the SSO session expiration time to currentTime + 15 minutes. The client application now has the user authentication information and can display the protected page.

SSO session update process

Once the user has been authenticated and an SSO session created, the client application must periodically perform SSO session update requests to keep the SSO session alive. In GOVSSO protocol this is done by acquiring a new token from GOVSSO service. GOVSSO session update requests are very similar to authentication requests. The only difference is that GOVSSO will not display any graphical page to the user when the user agent is redirected. To differentiate SSO session update requests from SSO authentication requests, the client application will a prompt parameter to the request (prompt=none).

SSO Session update request can be made only when the client application knows the previous identity token and a valid SSO session exists. Client application must prove that it has knowledge of the SSO session context by including the previous user identity token with each session update request. This is a security measure and helps to assure that GOVSSO and client application have the same knowledge about the logged in user.

If the SSO session update request fails for any reason, then the client application must perform a new SSO authentication process to get a new identity token.

  1. User wants to access protected content in client application.
  2. Client application verifies whether user has active client application session and that client application session storage contains a valid (not expired) GOVSSO identity token.
  3. Client application finds that user identity token is about to expire and redirects user agent to GOVSSO with a valid SSO session update request. The request must include the identity token and a prompt=none parameter.
  4. GOVSSO validates the request
    1. Verifies that an SSO session is still active for user agent
    2. Verifies that the SSO session subject matches the subject in the received identity token.
  5. If all validations passed, GOVSSO will issue a new authorization code to the client application.
  6. Using the authorization code, the client application makes an identity token request to GOVSSO. Tara responds with a new identity token and a directive for the user agent to update SSO session cookie expiration date to currentTime + 15 minutes.
  7. Client application stores identity token with into its session storage and shows protected content to user.

Logout process

It is expected that client applications terminate GOVSSO session as soon as the user has finished using client application(s). If a user has requested to log out of a client application, then information about this event must be sent to GOVSSO as well. GOVSSO will either terminate the SSO session automatically (if only one other client application is linked to the same SSO session) or display a logout consent form. The consent form allows user to log out of all client applications at once or just the single application.

After a successful logout the user agent is redirected back to the client application. If a technical error occurs or the logout request is invalid (redirect_uri does not match identity token client registered redirect URLs), then the user is redirected to GOVSSO default error page.

  1. User requested to log out of client application
  2. Client application does its internal application session termination procedures.
  3. Client application redirects user agent to GOVSSO logout URL. The redirect must include the previous identity token and a redirect URI where the user agent must be redirected to after logout.
  4. GOVSSO validates the logout request. If the identity token is not linked to the active SSO session of given user agent, then nothing is done, and the user agent is redirected back to the redirect_uri. GOVSSO will unlink the client application from SSO session in its session store.
  5. If more client applications are linked to the same SSO session, then GOVSSO will show a logout consent page.
  6. User can either select to log out of only the client application that made the logout request or from all client applications that are linked to the same SSO session.
  7. If the user selected to log out from all client applications, GOVSSO will send a back-channel logout request to each linked client application and unlink client applications from GOVSSO session.
  8. If no client applications remain linked to SSO session, GOVSSO will terminate the session. User has been logged out of all client applications.
  9. User agent is redirected back to the redirect_uri of the client application which initiated the logout procedure.

Back-channel logout notifications

Each GOVSSO client application must declare support to the OIDC Back-Channel logout specification. Each client must provide a back-channel logout endpoint URL as part of their registration information. GOVSSO will send an out-of-band POST request to client application back-channel logout endpoint every time an SSO session ends.

The logout request contains a logout token. The logout token must be validated according to OIDC Back-Channel logout specification (References: OIDC-BACK “2.6. Logout Token Validation”). After receiving a valid logout token from the GOVSSO, the client application locates the session(s) identified by the iss and sub Claims and/or the sid Claim. The client application then clears any state associated with the identified session(s). If the identified user is already logged out at the client application when the logout request is received, the logout is considered to have succeeded.

If the logout succeeded, the RP MUST respond with HTTP 200 OK.

Access to the back-channel logout endpoint should be restricted. Only GOVSSO needs to have access to given endpoint.


Identity token

In GOVSSO protocol the identity token is a used as a certificate of the fact of authentication was performed. The identity token has a concrete issuance and expiration date between which it is to be considered valid.

The identity token is issued in JSON Web Token (References: JWT).

Example GOVSSO identity token:

  "jti": "663a35d8-92ec-4a8d-95e7-fc6ca90ebda2",
  "iss": "",
  "aud": [
  "exp": 1591709871,
  "iat": 1591709811,
  "sub": "EE60001018800",
  "profile_attributes": {
    "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
    "family_name": "O’CONNEŽ-ŠUSLIK TESTNUMBER",
    "given_name": "MARY ÄNN"
  "amr": "mID",
  "acr": "high",
  "at_hash": "AKIDtvBT2JS_02tkl_DvuA",
  "auth_time": 1591709810,
  "nonce": "POYXXoyDo49deYC3o5_rG-ig3U4o-dtKgcym5SyHfCM",
  "sid": "f5ab396c-1490-4042-b073-ae8e003c7258",
  "state": "1OnH3qwltWy81fKqcmjYTqnco9yVQ2gGZXws/DBLNvQ=",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified" : false

Identity token claims

Identity token element (claim) example explanation
jti "jti"="663a35d8-92ec-4a8d-95e7-fc6ca90ebda2" Identity token unique identifier, (References: JWT “4.1.7. jti (JWT ID) Claim”).
iss "iss":"" Issuer of the identity token (GOVSSO).
aud "aud": [


"aud": "sso-client-1"
Unique ID of a client application in GOVSSO client database. ID belongs to the client that requested authentication (the value of client_id field is specified upon directing the user to the authentication process).

String or array of strings. A single aud value is present in GOVSSO tokens.
exp "exp": 1591709871 The expiration time of the identity token (in Unix epoch format).
iat "iat": 1591709811 The time of issue of the identity token (in Unix epoch format).
sub "sub": "EE60001018800" The identifier of the authenticated user (personal identification code or eIDAS identifier) with the prefix of the country code of the citizen (country codes based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard). The subject identifier format is set by TARA authentication service id token (References: TARA “4.3.1 Identity token”).
profile_attributes   The data of the authenticated user, including the eIDAS attributes. Values are taken directly from identity tokens that are issued by TARA authentication service.
profile_attributes.date_of_birth "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01" The date of birth of the authenticated user in the ISO_8601 format. Only sent in the case of persons with Estonian personal identification code and in the case of eIDAS authentication.
profile_attributes.given_name "given_name": "MARY ÄNN" The first name of the authenticated user (the test name was chosen because it consists special characters).
profile_attributes.family_name "family_name": "O’CONNEŽ-ŠUSLIK TESTNUMBER" The surname of the authenticated user (the test name was selected because it includes special characters).
amr "amr": "mID" Authentication mehtod reference. The authentication method used for user authentication. Possible values:

mID - Mobile-ID
idcard - Estonian ID card’
eIDAS - cross-border
banklink - bank
smartid - Smart-ID

Available authentication methods depend on TARA authentication service and the list may be extended in the future (References: TARA “4.1 Authentication request”).
state "state": "1OnH3qwltWy81fKqcmjYTqnco9yVQ2gGZXws/DBLNvQ=" Security element. The authentication request’s state parameter value.
nonce "nonce": "POYXXoyDo49deYC3o5_rG-ig3U4o-dtKgcym5SyHfCM" Security element. The authentication request’s nonce parameter value. Value is present only in case the nonce parameter was sent in the authentication request.
acr "acr": "high" Authentication Context Class Reference. Signals the level of assurance of the authentication device that was used. Possible values: low, substantial, high. The element is not used if the level of authentication is not applicable or is unknown.
at_hash "at_hash": "AKIDtvBT2JS_02tkl_DvuA" The access token hash calculated as described in OIDC specification (References: OIDC-CORE).
email "email": "" The user’s e-mail address.

Only issued if an Estonian ID card is used for authenticating the user in TARA service. Is read by TARA from the SAN extension of the user’s authentication certificate (from the RFC822 type Subject Alternative Name field)
email_verified "email_verified" : false Signals if the e-mail address of the user has been verified. TARA always issues a value false. It means that TARA does not verify or issue information on whether or not the user has redirected their e-mail address. GOVSSO will return the same value that is returned in TARA issued identity token.
sid "sid": "f5ab396c-1490-4042-b073-ae8e003c7258" Session ID - String identifier for a GOVSSO session. To and RP, This represents a session of a User Agent or device for a logged-in End-User. Different sid values are used to identify distinct sessions at GOVSSO.
auth_time "auth_time": 1591709810 The time of successful authentication of the user in GOVSSO. In the Unix epoch format.

Identitiy token may consist other OpenID Connect protocol based fields that are not supported in GOVSSO.

Logout token

GOVSSO sends a JWT similar to an ID Token to client applications called a Logout Token to request that they log out a GOVSSO session or user. The token issuer is GOVSSO and the audience is the client application. Upon receiving a logout token the client application is expected to validate the token to make sure that it is a valid logout request. In case the token is valid the client application session (session between client application and user agent) must be ended.

Issued logout tokens are linked to ID tokens via the sid claim. Each client application is expected to internally keep track of the ID token sid claim and client application session relations. Meaning that each application session during which GOVSSO authentication was used, must hold the sub and sid values of ID tokens that were issued during that application session.

A logout token contains a sub claim, a sid claim, or both. If a sid claim is present, the client application must log out all client application sessions that contain the same sid value. If only a sub claim is present, then all client application sessions with the same sub value must be logged out. Logout tokens with only a sub value are issued only if the logout was initiated by GOVSSO server (not a client application).

OIDC logout tokens can be encrypted but v logout tokens are not encrypted.

Example GOVSSO logout token payload

  "aud": [
  "events": {
    "": {}
  "sub": "EE60001018800",
  "iat": 1591958452,
  "iss": "",
  "jti": "c0cfc91a-cdf5-4706-ad26-847b3a3fb937",
  "sid": "9038c51d-719f-40e1-9322-a7920a2087c8"

Logout token claims

Logout token element (claim) compulsory example explanation
iss yes "iss": "" Issuer Identifier, as specified in ID token (Chapter ID Token “Identity token claims”).
sub no "sub": "EE60001018800"  
events yes "events": {
"": {}
Claim whose value is a JSON object containing the member name This declares that the JWT is a Logout Token. The corresponding member value MUST be a JSON object and SHOULD be the empty JSON object {}.
aud yes "aud": [


"aud": "sso-client-1"
Audience(s), as specified in ID token (Chapter ID Token “Identity token claims”).
iat yes "iat": 1591958452 Issued at time, as specified ID token (Chapter ID Token “Identity token claims”).
jti yes "jti": "c0cfc91a-cdf5-4706-ad26-847b3a3fb937" Unique identifier for the token, as specified in Section 9 of OIDC-CORE.


Authentication request


An authentication request is a HTTP GET request by which the user is redirected from the client application to GOVSSO for authentication.

Example GOVSSO authentication request


(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)

Request parameters

URL element compulsory example explanation
protocol, host, port and path yes /oauth2/auth is the OpenID Connect-based authentication endpoint of the GOVSSO service (the concept of ‘authorization’ originates from the OAuth 2.0 standard protocol).

The URL is provided from OIDC server public discovery service: authorization_endpoint parameter.
client_id yes   Application identifier. The application identifier is issued to the institution by RIA upon registration of the client application as a user of the authentication service.
redirect_uri yes redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F Redirect URL. The redirect URL is selected by the institution. The redirect URL may include the query component. URL encoding should be used, if necessary (References: URLENC).
It is not permitted (References: OAUTH “3.1.2. Redirection Endpoint”) to use the URI fragment component (# and the following component; References: URI “3.5. Fragment”).
The URL protocol, host, port and path must match one of the pre-registered redirect URLs of given client application registration metadata (see client_id parameter).
scope yes scope=openid The authentication scope. Space delimited list of requested scopes.

openid scope is compulsory to signal that this is an OIDC authentication request.
In the default scope of openid GOVSSO will issue identity tokens with the following attributes:

sub (physical person identifier)

Presence of given attribute values will depend on the amount of information that is returned within TARA identity tokens. At this moment email is only available when authentication was performed with Estonian national id-card card type authentication device.

email_verified will always have a value of false. This is because TARA will not perform e-mail verification.
state yes state=hkMVY7vjuN7xyLl5 Security code against false request attacks (cross-site request forgery, CSRF). Read more about formation and verification of state under ‘Protection against false request attacks’.
response_type yes response_type=code Determines the manner of communication of the authentication result to the server. The method of authorization code is supported (authorization flow of the OpenID Connect protocol) and it is referred to the code value.
ui_locales no ui_locales=et Selection of the user interface language. The following languages are supported: et, en, ru. By default, the user interface is in Estonian language. The client can select the desired language. This will also set the GUI language for TARA service views.
nonce no nonce=fsdsfwrerhtry3qeewq A unique parameter which helps to prevent replay attacks based on the OIDC protocol (References, [Core], subsection Authentication Request). The nonce parameter is not compulsory.
acr_values no acr_values=substantial The minimum required level of authentication based on the eIDAS LoA (level of assurance). It is permitted to apply one value of the following: low, substantial, high. substantial is used by default if the value has not been selected.

GOVSSO will store the authentication level of assurance (LoA) in the SSO session object as an Authentication Context Class Reference (acr) claim. The value is returned by TARA in the person identity token. Upon each GOVSSO authentication request, the server will check that the requested level of assurance (acr_values parameter value) is lower or equal to the acr claim value of the GOVSSO session. If the SSO session acr level of assurance is lower than requested, the previous GOVSSO session is automatically terminated and a new authentication is requested from TARA. After successful authentication a new SSO session is created.
prompt no prompt=consent Required parameter signalling GOVSSO that user consent should be asked before returning information to the client application. If GOVSSO cannot obtain consent, it will return an error, typically consent_required.


GOVSSO server will respond with a HTTP 302 Found message to redirect user agent back to client application URL.

The user agent is redirected to the redirect_uri included in the authentication request sent by the client application. In the redirect request, an authorization code (code URL parameter) is appended to the redirect_uri by GOVSSO, based on which the client application will (by a separate request) request from GOVSSO the personal identification code, name, and other attributes of the authenticated person. Technically, a HTTP status code 302 Found redirect request is used for redirecting.

The state value will also be returned to the client application, making it possible to perform CSRF validation on client application side.

Example GOVSSO authentication redirect


(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)

Response parameters

Identity token element (claim) example explanation
protocol, host, port and path Matches the redirect_uri value sent in the authentication request.
code code=71ed579... The authorization code is a single ‘permission note’ to receive the identity token.
state state=hkMVY7vjuN7xyLl5 Security code against false request attacks. The security code received in the authentication request is mirrored back. Read more about forming and verifying state from ‘Protection against false request attacks’.

Error response

If GOVSSO is unable to process an authentication request – there is an error in the request, TARA was unable to authenticate user or another error has occurred – GOVSSO transfers an error message (URL parameter error) and the description of the error (URL parameter error_description) in the redirect request.

TARA relies on the OpenID Connect standard on error messages (References: OIDC-CORE “ Authentication Error Response” and OAUTH “ Error Response”). The error messages are always displayed in English.

state is also returned but no authorization code (code) is sent.

Example GOVSSO authentication error


(for better readability, the parts of the HTTP request are divided onto several lines)

Authentication termination response

The user may also return to the e-service without choosing an authentication method and completing the authentication process (via ‘Back to the service provider’ link). This option is provided for the cases in which the user has clicked ‘Log in’ in the client application but does not actually wish to log in. In the application for subscribing to the service, the institution must notify RIA of the URL to which the user should be redirected in the case of clicking ‘Back to the service provider’. NB! The OpenID Connect protocol-based redirect URL and the URL described here have different meanings.

Identity token request


The identity token request is a HTTP POST request which is used by the client application to request the identity token from the server of GOVSSO.

Example GOVSSO token request

POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

(for better readability, the body of the HTTP POST request is divided over several lines)

The client secret code must be provided in the identity token request. For this purpose, the request must include the Authorization request header with the value formed of the word Basic, a space, and a string : encoded in the Base64 format (see RFC 2617 HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication, Section 2 Basic Authentication Scheme).

The body of the HTTP POST request must be presented in a serialized format based on the OpenID Connect protocol.

Request parameters

Parameter parameter type example explanation
protocol, host, port and path query GOVSSO server token endpoint URL. Published in GOVSSO discovery endpoint token_endpoint parameter value.
grant_type body grant_type=authorization_code The authorization_code value required based on the protocol.
code body code=SplxlOBeZQQYbYS6WxSbIA The authorization code received from the authentication service.
redirect_uri body The redirect URL sent in the authentication request.


GOVSSO server verifies that the identity token is requested by the right application and issues the identity token included in the response body (HTTP response body).

Example GOVSSO token endpoint response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
 "access_token": "EKN-4fXC4n1RdkegKk-M0DRxZ8RwJYZ_EwW-9zLCYcA.7GT7Xq2deLvWzrrFq6f0DNwL6INW2PYRDPPEFMbws1o",
 "token_type": "Bearer",
 "expires_in": 3600,
 "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InB1YmxpYzoyMDQ0YmVlOC03MmY0LTQxYTMtYTRl

(for better readability, the body of the HTTP response is divided over several lines)

Response parameters

Parameter explanation
access_token OAuth 2.0 access token. With the access token the client application can request authenticated user’s data from userinfo endpoint.
Not used in GOVSSO because GOVSSO session management is purely identity token dependent. All user data is already available in the ID token of the user.
token_type OAuth 2.0 access token type with bearer value. Not used in GOVSSO.
expires_in The validity period of the OAuth 2.0 access token. Not used in GOVSSO.
id_token Identity token, in Base64 format. The identity token is issued in JSON Web Token (References: JWT)

Error response

In case the token endpoint encounters an error and can not issue valid tokens, an error response is generated according to OIDC Core specification (References: OIDC-CORE)

SSO session update request


Client applications must periodically check the SSO authentication session validity on GOVSSO server. Session update requests will also signal GOVSSO server that the user is still active in the client application and the authentication session expiration time can be extended.

The process of acquiring a new authentication token is similar to initial user authentication.

  1. The client application redirects user agent to GOVSSO authorization endpoint for an authorization code.
  2. Upon receiving the authorization code, the client application (usually backend) makes a request to the GOVSSO token endpoint.

Example GOVSSO session update request


Request parameters

URL element compulsory example explanation
protocol, host, port and path yes /oauth2/auth is the OpenID Connect-based authentication endpoint of the GOVSSO service (the concept of ‘authorization’ originates from the OAuth 2.0 standard protocol), References: [OAUTH]).

The URL is provided from OIDC server public discovery service: authorization_endpoint parameter.
client_id yes   Application identifier. The application identifier is issued to the institution by RIA upon registration of the client application as a user of the authentication service.
redirect_uri yes redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F Redirect URL. The redirect URL is selected by the institution. The redirect URL may include the query component. URL encoding should be used, if necessary (References: URLENC).
It is not permitted (References: OAUTH “3.1.2. Redirection Endpoint”) to use the URI fragment component (# and the following component; References: URI “3.5. Fragment”).
The URL protocol, host, port and path must match one of the pre-registered redirect URLs of given client application registration metadata.
scope yes scope=openid The authentication scope. Space delimited list of requested scopes.

openid scope is compulsory to signal that this is an OIDC authentication request.
In the default scope of openid GOVSSO will issue identity tokens with the following attributes:

sub (physical person identifier)

Presence of given attribute values will depend on the amount of information that is returned within TARA identity tokens. At this moment email is only available when authentication was performed with Estonian national id-card card type authentication device.

email_verified will always have a value of false. This is because TARA will not perform e-mail verification.
state yes state=hkMVY7vjuN7xyLl5 Security code against false request attacks (cross-site request forgery, CSRF). Read more about formation and verification of state under ‘Protection against false request attacks’.
response_type yes response_type=code Determines the manner of communication of the authentication result to the server. The method of authorization code is supported (authorization flow of the OpenID Connect protocol) and it is referred to the code value.
ui_locales no ui_locales=et Selection of the user interface language. The following languages are supported: et, en, ru. By default, the user interface is in Estonian language. The client can select the desired language. This will also set the GUI language for TARA service views.
nonce no nonce=fsdsfwrerhtry3qeewq A unique parameter which helps to prevent replay attacks based on the OIDC protocol (References, [Core], subsection Authentication Request). The nonce parameter is not compulsory.
acr_values no acr_values=substantial The minimum required level of authentication based on the eIDAS LoA (level of assurance). It is permitted to apply one value of the following: low, substantial, high. substantial is used by default if the value has not been selected.

GOVSSO will store the authentication level of assurance (LoA) in the SSO session object as an Authentication Context Class Reference (acr) claim. The value is returned by TARA in the person identity token. Upon each GOVSSO authentication request, the server will check that the requested level of assurance (acr_values parameter value) is lower or equal to the acr claim value of the GOVSSO session. If the SSO session acr level of assurance is lower than requested, the previous GOVSSO session is automatically terminated and a new authentication is requested from TARA. After successful authentication a new SSO session is created.
prompt yes prompt=none Signals GOVSSO server that it MUST NOT display any authentication or consent view to the user. An error is returned if user is not already authenticated in GOVSSO or the client application does not have pre-configured consent for the requested scope, acr_values or does not fulfill other conditions for processing the request. The error code will typically be login_required, interaction_required, or another code defined in OIDC standard (References, [Technical specification#OIDC] Section
id_token_hint yes id_token_hint=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InB1YmxpYzo...TvE ID Token previously issued by GOVSSO being passed as a hint about the user’s current or past authenticated session with the client application. If the user identified by the ID Token is logged in or is logged in by the request, then GOVSSO returns a positive response; otherwise, it WILL return an error. Encryption of the id_token_hint parameter is not supported in GOVSSO.


GOVSSO server will respond with a HTTP 302 Found message to redirect user agent back to client application URL.

The user agent is redirected to the redirect_uri included in the authentication request sent by the client application. In the redirect request, an authorization code (code URL parameter) is appended to the redirect_uri by GOVSSO, based on which the client application will (by a separate request) request from GOVSSO the personal identification code, name, and other attributes of the authenticated person. Technically, a HTTP status code 302 Found redirect request is used for redirecting.

The state value will also be returned to the client application, making it possible to perform CSRF validation on client application side.

Example GOVSSO session update redirect


Response parameters

URL element example explanation
protocol, host, port and path Matches the redirect_uri value sent in the authentication request.
code code=71ed579... The authorization code is a single ‘permission note’ to receive the identity token.
state state=hkMVY7vjuN7xyLl5 Security code against false request attacks. The security code received in the authentication request is mirrored back. Read more about forming and verifying state from ‘Protection against false request attacks’.

Error response

If GOVSSO is unable to process an session update request – there is an error in the request or another error has occurred – GOVSSO transfers an error message (URL parameter error) and the description of the error (URL parameter error_description) in the redirect request.

TARA relies on the OpenID Connect standard on error messages (References: OIDC-CORE “ Authentication Error Response” and Technical specification#OAUTH “ Error Response”). The error messages are always displayed in English.

state is also redirected but no authorization code (code) is sent. E.g.:

Example GOVSSO session update error


SSO logout request


A client application can notify the OP that the user has logged out of the site and might want to log out of GOVSSO as well. In this case, the client application, after having logged the user out of the client application, redirects the user’s User Agent to GOVSSO’s logout endpoint URL. This URL is normally obtained via the end_session_endpoint element of GOVSSO Discovery response or may be learned via other mechanisms.

Example GOVSSO logout request


Request parameters

URL element compulsory example explanation
protocol, host, port and path yes /oauth2/auth is the OpenID Connect-based logout endpoint of the GOVSSO service. Described in OIDC session management specification (References, OIDC-SESSION “2.1. OpenID Provider Discovery Metadata” )

The URL is provided from OIDC server public discovery service: end_session_endpoint parameter.
post_logout_redirect_uri yes Redirect URL. The redirect URL is selected by the institution. The redirect URL may include the query component. URL encoding should be used, if necessary (References: URLENC).
It is not permitted (References: OAUTH “3.1.2. Redirection Endpoint”) to use the URI fragment component (# and the following component; References: URI “3.5. Fragment”).
The URL protocol, host, port and path must match one of the pre-registered redirect URLs of given client application. Client application is determined by the contents of the identity token (token audience must belong to a registered GOVSSO client application).
Different from OIDC session management specification, this parameter is considered mandatory in GOVSSO. In GOVSSO user logout flow we expect that the user is always redirected back to the client application that initiated the logout process. The post_logout_redirect_uri should point to the client application front page or a client application internal redirect url.
id_token_hint yes id_token_hint=eyJhbGciOiJSU...TvE ID Token previously issued by GOVSSO being passed as a hint about the user’s current or past authenticated session with the client application. If the user identified by the ID Token is not logged in or is logged in by the request, then GOVSSO returns a positive response; otherwise, it WILL return an error. id_token_hint encryption is not supported.
state no state=hkMVY7vjuN7xyLl5 Security code against false request attacks (cross-site request forgery, CSRF). Read more about formation and verification of state under ‘Protection against false request attacks’.
If included in the logout request, the TARA passes this value back to the RP using the state query parameter when redirecting the user agent back to the client application.
Using the state parameter is not mandatory for login callbacks. It is expected that the user was already logged out of the client application before calling GOVSSO logout endpoint.
ui_locales no ui_locales=et Selection of the user interface language. The following languages are supported: et, en, ru. By default, the user interface is in Estonian language.
If the user was logged into a single client application, then no GUI prompt will be displayed to the user.


After successful logout request, GOVSSO will redirect the user agent back to the client application.

Example GOVSSO logout redirect


Error response

If the logout request processing is unsuccessful (for example the client and post_logout_redirect_uri do not match or a technical error in GOVSSO prevents user logout), the user agent will be redirected to GOVSSO error URL. According to OIDC the logout request does not provide means to redirect the user back to client application with an error message. Therefore, the user logout flow will end in GOVSSO instead of the client application. GOVSSO should display some form of request correlation id to aid customer support.

Back-channel logout request


All GOVSSO clients are expected to support OIDC Back-channel logout functionality. According to back-channel logout specification (References: OIDC-BACK) GOVSSO server will send an out-of-band logout request to each client application when the user has requested to end the GOVSSO session. GOVSSO will include a logout token with each request so that the client applications can verify the logout event.

Relying Parties supporting back-channel-based logout register a back-channel logout URI with GOVSSO as part of their client registration (References: OIDC-BACK “2.2. Indicating RP Support for Back-Channel Logout”).

The back-channel logout URI must be an absolute URI as defined by Section 4.3 of [URI]. The back-channel logout includes an application/x-www-form-urlencoded formatted query component. The back-channel logout URI will not include a fragment component.

Client applications must perform logout token validation to check if the received request is a valid GOVSSO logout request. Validation must be performed according to OIDC protocol OIDC-BACK “2.6. Logout Token Validation”. If at any point token validation fails, the client application is expected to respond with a HTTP status code 400 Bad Request. If a session with a matching session ID is not found but the logout token is otherwise valid, then the client application should respond with HTTP status code 200 OK.

Example GOVSSO back-channel logout request

POST /back-channel-logout HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request parameters

Parameter compulsory example explanation
protocol, host, port and path yes Client application must authorize access to GOVSSO to an internal URL and port. Access to the port should be limited based on IP address. The port must be protected with TLS. GOVSSO must trust the logout endpoint server certificate.
logout_token yes logout_token=eyJhbGciOiJSUz...qgp1dg GOVSSO sends a JWT token similar to an ID token to client applications called a Logout Token to request that they log out. Logout token will give the client application exact information about the subject and the session (see the sid claim in ID Token) that should be logged out. The token is signed by GOVSSO with the same secret key that is used for singing issued ID Tokens.

Security operations

Verification of the identity and logout tokens

The client application must always verify the identity token and logout token. The client application must implement all the verifications based on OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 protocols. (References: OIDC-CORE, OIDC-BACK)

The client must verify token’s:

For more detailed information about the identity token verifications can be found from OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 protocol specifications.

Verifying the signature

The identity token is signed by the GOVSSO authentication service. The logout tokens are signed by GOVSSO back-channel logout service. The signature meets the JWT standard. GOVSSO uses the same key for signing both the identity and logout tokens.

GOVSSO uses the RS256 signature algorithm. The client application must, at least, be able to verify the signature given by using this algorithm. It would be reasonable to use a standard JWT library which supports all JWT algorithms. A situation in which the GOVSSO signature algorithm is needed is, in principle, possible – if a security failure is detected in RS256).

For the signature verification the public signature key of GOVSSO must be used. The public signature key is published at the public signature key endpoint (see chapter “Endpoints”).

The public signature key is stable - the public signature key will be changed every 2-3 years or accordingly to the security recommendations.

The public signature key has an identifier (kid). The key identifier is aligned with the best practices of OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 that enables the key exchange without the service interruption.

Trust of the public signature key endpoint

The client application makes HTTPS requests to GOVSSO server towards to the identity token and public signature key endpoints. The client application must verify GOVSSO server’s certificate.

Verifying the issuer of tokens

The iss value of the identity token element must be (for GOVSSO test environment) or (for GOVSSO production environment).

Verifying the addressee of the tokens

The client application must verify whether the certificate received was issued for them. For this purpose, it must be made sure that the aud value of the identity token element matches the client ID issued upon registration of the client application.

Verifying the validity of the tokens

*Identity token

The verification is done using elements in the identity token: iat, exp. The client application uses its own clock to verify the validity. The following details should be verified:

1) that token issuing time has reached:

iat <= (current time + permitted difference between clocks)

2) that the “expired” time has not been reached:

exp > (current time - permitted difference between clocks)

The application must choose the permitted difference between clocks value. These checks are required for preventing attacks and confusion.

Logout token

The verification is done using the iat claim value of the logout token. The following details should be verified:

1) that the token was not issued too far away from current time

iat <= (current time + permitted difference between clocks)

The application must choose the permitted difference between clocks value. These checks are required for preventing attacks and confusion.

Verifying the eIDAS level of assurance

In order to prevent access to cross-border authentication tools with a lower security level, it must be verified that the authentication level in the acr claim of identity token is not lower than the minimum level of assurance allowed.

For example, if the client application wants to use only authentication methods with eIDAS level of assurance high and has specified the value in the acr_values parameter, then only identity tokens with acr claim with value high can be accepted.

In case the level of assurance in the authentication request using acr_values parameter is not specified, the identity token must be equal to a level of assurance substantial or high.

Creating a session

After a successful verification of the identity token, the client application will create a session with the user (‘log in the user’). The client application is responsible for creating and holding the sessions. The methods for doing this are not included in the scope of the GOVSSO authentication service.

All tokens issued to the client application will contain a sid claim. This claim can be used to link client application session to SSO session. Client applications must store the latest identity token issued for each session. The previous token is required to create session update requests and logout requests.

The client application session expiration time should be slightly shorter than GOVSSO identity token expiration date. This way the client application is forced to always request a new identity token before the last identity token expires. GOVSSO server will reject requests that contain identity tokens that were issued too far away from current time.

Logout tokens usually contain the same sid claim. When a logout token is received the client application must find all application sessions that contain identity tokens with the same sid claim value and terminate them (force the user to log out on the same user agent).

When an application session was terminated internally by GOVSSO, the logout token may instead contain only a sub claim. In this case the client application is expected to terminate all session that contain id tokens with matching sub value (force the user to log out on all user agents).

Protection against false request attacks

The client application must implement protective measures against false request attacks (cross-site request forgery, CSRF). This can be achieved by using state and nonce security codes. Using state is compulsory; using nonce is optional. The procedure of using state is described below.

The state security code is used to combat falsification of the redirect request following the authentication request. The client application must perform the following steps:

  1. Generate a nonce word, for example of the length of 16 characters: XoD2LIie4KZRgmyc (referred to as R).
  2. Calculate from the R nonce word the H = hash(R) hash, for example by using the SHA256 hash algorithm and by converting the result to the Base64 format: vCg0HahTdjiYZsI+yxsuhm/0BJNDgvVkT6BAFNU394A=.
  3. Add an order to set a cookie to the authentication request, for example: Set-Cookie ETEENUS=XoD2LIie4KZRgmyc; HttpOnly, where ETEENUS is a freely selected cookie name. The HttpOnly attribute must be applied to the cookie.
  4. Set the following value for the state parameter calculated based on section 2: GET ... state=vCg0HahTdjiYZsI+yxsuhm/0BJNDgvVkT6BAFNU394A= Thus, two elements are sent in an authentication request: a nonce word for including in the cookie and the hash value calculated from the nonce word in the state parameter. The client application is not required to remember the nonce word or the hash value.

In the course of processing the redirect request, the client application must:

  1. Take the ETEENUS value of the cookie received with the request.
  2. Calculate the hash based on the cookie value.
  3. Verify that the hash matches the state value mirrored back in the redirect request.

The redirect request may only be accepted if the checks described above are successful.

The key element of the process described above is connection of the state value with the session. This is achieved by using a cookie. (This is a temporary authentication session. The work session will be created by the client application after the successful completion of the authentication).

Further information: unfortunately, this topic is not presented clearly in the OpenID Connect protocol (References: OIDC-CORE). Some information can be found from an unofficial document (References: OIDC-BASIC section “ Request Parameters”).


Logging must enable the reconstruction of the course of the communication between GOVSSO and the client application for each occasion of using GOVSSO. For this purpose, all following requests and responses must be logged by GOVSSO as well as by the client application: authentication_request, authentication_redirect, token_request, session_update_request, session_update_redirect, logout_request, logout_redirect, backchannel_logout. As the volumes of data transferred are not large, the URL as well as the identity token must be logged in full. The retention periods of the logs should be determined based on the importance of the client application. We advise using 1 … 7 years. In case of any issue, please submit an excerpt from the log (Which requests were sent to GOVSSO? Which responses were received?). Correlation of TARA and GOVSSO logs will be done on GOVSSO service provider side.

GOVSSO endpoints

Endpoint description
server discovery Public endpoint for GOVSSO server OpenID Connect configuration information. Usually provided as standard endpoint for OIDC implementations that support service discovery. (References: OIDC-DISCOVERY “4.1 OpenID Provider Configuration Request”).
public signature key of the service JSON Web Key Set document for GOVSSO service. Publishes at minimum the public key that client applications must use to validate id token and logout token signatures. (References: JWK).
registration of the client application Dynamic registration is not supported, static registration via
authorization OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint. Used for GOVSSO session update requests and authentication requests. (References: OAUTH “3.1. Authorization Endpoint”).
token GOVSSO endpoint to obtain an Access Token, an ID Token (References: OIDC-CORE “3.1.3. Token Endpoint”). Access tokens are returned for OAuth 2.0 compliance but their use in GOVSSO protocol is not required.
logout GOVSSO client application initiated logout endpoint. (References: OIDC-SESSION “5. RP-Initiated Logout”).


  1. [OIDC-CORE] OpenID Connect Core 1.0 -
  2. [OIDC-SESSION] OpenID Connect Session -
  3. [OIDC-BACK] OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout -
  4. [OAUTH] The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework -
  5. [URI] Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax -
  6. [JWT] JSON Web Token -
  7. [TARA] TARA technical documentation -
  8. [URLENC] Percent-encoding -
  9. [OIDC-BASIC] OpenID Connect Basic Client Implementer’s Guide 1.0 -
  10. [OIDC-DISCOVERY] OpenID Connect Discovery -
  11. [JWK] JSON Web Key -

Information System Authority · 2022-2024 ·